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Policies and Procedures

We, the dancers and staff of Kicks Danceforce are a vibrant community of people who have a high regard for each other, the art of dance and the respectability and value of the work we do. All who participate are requested to demonstrate the willingness to be held accountable, to uphold the values and ethics we declare as the fundamental guidelines stated below. 



  • All members must clean up after themselves. Change areas and amenities are to be kept clean and tidy. Bags are to be stored in the bag racks. Food is only to be consumed in the kitchen and student change area. Please be aware that all rubbish goes in the rubbish bins provided.

  • There is to be no running or acrobatics in waiting areas. Siblings must be supervised at all times.

  • We are a smoke free environment so please don’t smoke in or around the property.

  • There is to be no gum. Drinks must be in sealed containers only.

  • No food or drink (excluding water) in a sealed container is allowed into the studio. Food containing nuts cannot be brought into the studio by any parent, students or siblings.

  • All mobile phones must be kept in the teacher’s phone box whilst in class. No phones are to be in use unless directed by the teacher or for emergency situations.

  • Students are responsible for their own property. We will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Students and their parents are liable for any damages caused to studio property.

  • Lost property is found in the reception/waiting room and is emptied at the end of every term. Please check for lost items. Ensure all dance clothing & shoes are labelled.

  • Please do not use spray deodorants inside the studio. Please use outside or bring roll on deodorant. Some students are allergic to sprays which can cause breathing problems.

  • Parking must only be in the bays provided at the front of the studio or on the road. 

  • All students must remain inside the studio until they are collected by their parent/caregiver or a responsible adult. This is for the safety of all students and must be adhered to.

  • Before and after class, students are expected to be under their parent’s supervision. Teacher’s supervision extends only to students in class.

  • Children are not permitted to enter the dance classroom until instructed by the dance teacher.

  • Parents are not permitted to view class unless given special permission. This allows the students to concentrate on their class work. Permission to view a class is at the teacher’s discretion and must be respected.

  • Parents are welcome to wait in reception. Please keep noise to a minimum while waiting and supervise ALL siblings who are also waiting, at all times. 

  • Students are not permitted to bring friends to classes or rehearsals.

  • Please check Facebook and Instagram regularly for updates and information.

  • Students need to practice to improve their skills especially when exams, competitions or shows are approaching.

  • Private lessons are based on individual basis.

  • Consistent practice is required at home each week to achieve and maintain flexibility.




  • All students are expected to show consideration and respect to all teachers in the studio and also to each other. This will ensure a happy and pleasant environment for everyone.

  • Students need to remember they are a role model for other students and show leadership by setting an example through their actions and speech. They need to embrace the dance family rules.

  • All students need to take responsibility for adhering to the rules of our studio. 

  • All students need to represent a high level of integrity and avoid gossip, criticism or disparaging comments about fellow students, teachers or others involved in our studio. Have the willingness to face issues and concerns with maturity and dignity.

  • Be committed to giving 100% at all times.

  • Parents will be notified if student behaviour becomes unacceptable.




Kicks Danceforce aims to provide a happy and safe environment where children can learn to dance. We believe children have the right to be safe and secure and free from threat, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. Kicks Danceforce will act with integrity, treating children with respect, listening to their concerns and acting upon them. Kicks Danceforce Code of Conduct commitment to Students and Parents will ensure that students will receive professional tuition from a qualified teacher with appropriate facilities following safe practice. Kicks Danceforce will adhere to the following Rules and Guidelines with regards to Photography and Filming:

  1. Images of Children posted to our website and Facebook/Instagram page will be identified by their first name only.

  2. To reduce the risk of inappropriate use of images only images deemed suitable will be used.

  3. Anyone with any complaints about images posted on our website and face book page can speak to Kicks Danceforce principal Tracy Spence and the images will be removed.

  4. Anyone concerned about inappropriate use of images can report the matter to the principal and procedures will be followed to report the matter to the appropriate authority.

  5. The expectations for parents or spectators who wish to take photographs or film at an event are to avoid inappropriate or intrusive photography. Any child or parent who has concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography must report their concerns to the principal who will act in the same manner as they would with any other child protection concern.




  • An enrolment form with photography permission must then be completed and handed to reception. Fees will then be charged accordingly.

  • All terms are based on a 10 week school term, Fees will not be adjusted if a public Holiday falls within the term dates as it is out of the studios control.

  • Students will be enrolled into suitable classes according to age and/or experience and this is determined by one of the dance teachers.

  • Enrolment is for an entire term. Cancellation must be made in writing to or handed to reception. No refunds are given for term fees paid in advance. Two weeks’ notice is required.

  • The student’s teacher must be contacted if a student will be absent from class for any reason.

  • Enrolment information must be updated at reception if it changes. This includes your email address and mobile phone numbers.




  • Fees are payable on or before week 4  of the term. If payments are not made by this time, a late fee of $25 will be added to your account.

  • Payment plans for weekly or fortnightly payments MUST be set up at enrolment days.

  • Payments can be made by direct debit or cash to your child’s teacher in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and date.

  • If parents have difficulty paying fees, please email or hand a note to reception to discuss financial arrangements prior to due payments.

  • No refund or credit is given for missed classes (extreme medical conditions considered by the principals discretion). 

  • There are no refunds for concert fees once costumes are organised.




  • This is to clearly define our expectations and guidelines for members engaging in social media that relates to its studio or members.

  • You must be clear and ensure any information is factual and accurate.

  • Any information must respect individuals and the studio.

  • Information must not damage in any way the studios or members reputations or bring disrepute.

  • No member is permitted to record or take photographs at our studios without permission from the Principal or teacher.

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